I'm A Classy Nerd

Sunday, February 27, 2011 @ 3:52 AM | 0 Comment [s]

we all have dreams dont we?
mine is:
being chio and skinny like her
having parents with never ending money
the guts to be like this
never regretting anything i do
a boyfriend that loves me no matter what
that would put me in his top priority
give me pretty pink roses everyday
and not forgetting friends that are always there for me
that always gives me the best surprises ever
and a huge house which i live in
a princess room
a walk-in wardrobe big like nobody's business
with pretty accessories
pretty dresses
lots of goodies from topshop
and lots of pretty wedges
last but not least,
a beautiful wedding with the one that would never let me shed a single tear of sadness for him.
well having said that all are dreams but i get thrown back to reality the next minute.
but even if reality is not as beautiful as dreams,i would still cherish everyone around me right at this moment. seeing people with rich parents will not make me jealous because i have the best mom ever that nags at me and threatens me with my freedom but in the end still give me what i want. okayy but im still envious of skinny people because im so fat:(
and the boyfriend part is kinda true...i really want that. that would be so sweet isnt it?
im happy with my house because the people i love are here.
ahhhh,friends,well,i have a few that i know i can depend on. thats comforting(:
aiya,clothes and all that i will earn it myself. maybe work in topshop and get staff discount then get every piece that i want with my pay. haha. shiok.
i love my life as it is. and its because of lovely people that i have.

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