Thank God
Tuesday, July 5, 2011 @ 11:58 PM | 0 Comment [s]
I was going through my texts and I found some that really made me super touched.Frankly i wna tell you that you're probably one of the best friends i've met. You're not mean, you just say what's on your mind, it's nice yknow get a reality check. People who dont know you well misjudge you but i don't, i love you the way you are bro, dont get influenced by people. Stay you, stay gold To others maybe youre annoying, but you know me, im quite ok with everyone, except for jialins in the world, so i think youre a good friend to be with. Mean at times? who cares? If that person thinks youre annoying/mean then too bad lo, got so many billion people in the world ask her friend a cheena la. No la nobody expects you to be superwoman. Just do your best, old or new mindy doesn't matter. I love you for who you are! I'm serious, no lies!! Idk what happened but know that I'm here for you okay! <3 Don't be too affected about what others say about you la,they don't know anything more than you do,so just trust yourself with whatever your doing. Cheer up (if you're angry/sad/pissed)! Life goes on and this too shall pass:) You don't have to be what people ask you to be. I'm sure you can judge yourself and know which areas you want to be better in :) I'm not the type that trusts friends as easily as 123 and I know I don't trust any of the friend that texted me those. But it's really great knowing that even though I'm such an ass I still have friends that would bother |
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